Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

blood plasma

Definition of Blood Plasma

Definition of blood plasma - the liquid part of blood plasma. Interruptions are obtained with the blood and prevents blood cell tersentrifugasi.

Plasma consists of 90% water, 8.7% protein, and plasma also contain other components such as salts, carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids. When water passes through the capillary wall and the electrolyte is always present in blood plasma soluvälinesteessä materials. In a few minutes, about 70% liquid plasma soluvälinesteessä. Blood is a disorder that clearly separates when blood clots. Different from the blood plasma of all, not a factor in serum fibrinogen in practice.

The proteins in the plasma concentration of approximately 1 mmol / L. Using electrophoresis, proteins can be separated into plasma albumin fraction and the fraction? 1,? 2,? Y? Globulin. Approximately 56% are part of the plasma proteins albumin, 4%? 1-globulin? 2-globulin-Globulin by 10%? 12% and 18% of total plasma proteins? Globulin.

Definition of Blood Plasma

Globulin is necessary for various biological functions. Number? - Globulin and? Globulin is a special function vehicles. Group? 1 - globulin is the transport of vitamin B12 and transportation transkortin transkobalamin cortisol. ? -Globulin responsible for transporting the three valence iron in the plasma.

Meanwhile-Globulin? Is a glycoprotein electrophoretic separation of slow motion. Your participation in the immune response to imunoglobin globulin?-Call (IgG). Plasma proteins play an important role in regulating the distribution of water between plasma and interstitial space, because the protein can not pass through capillary walls. Therefore, maintaining the osmotic pressure of the water circulation koloidnya. The main role of the outgoing albumin (± 80%). Albumin is also important for drug binding protein.

Plasma osmotic pressure of 7.3 atm and maintain a leak arrangement works well. Pressure, which contributes 96% of inorganic electrolytes. Ions compared with other ions and plasma pH also remained nearly constant for the contract in the process. Cationic plasma levels higher than the anion is the sodium, while the plasma is the most important quantitative chloride.
- discovery health
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